The first noticeable difference between cocaine vs crack cocaine is their appearance. Cocaine appears in a white powder form while cocaine is in a rock form that is light brown, tan, cream, or white. Cocaine and crack cocaine also differ in terms of how people use them. Users smoke crack cocaine and snort cocaine. Crack cocaine and cocaine provide different highs. The duration and intensity of the high produced by both drugs depends on the quantities consumed. A Cincinnati cocaine rehab program offers treatment services for drug addicts who use crack cocaine and cocaine.
Difference Between Cocaine vs Crack Cocaine
Cocaine is quite costly compared to crack. This makes most users go for crack due to its affordability. Since it is a cheaper alternative, crack is more accessible to users who want to get high. The effects of crack cocaine vary depending on the purity of the cocaine used to make it. This adds to the unpredictability and seriousness of smoking crack cocaine. Most effects of using crack cocaine are similar to those of cocaine but the former is sometimes more severe.
These effects include:
- Increased heart rate
- Heightened alertness
- Decreased appetite
- Euphoria
- Intense cravings
- Dilated pupils
Smoking crack makes these effects to stay longer compared to snorting cocaine. This is because crack absorbs through the membranes of the lungs and enters the brain and bloodstream in about 10 to 15 seconds. The risk of overdosing for those who use crack is quite high. It can lead to coma, convulsions, and even death. Symptoms of crack cocaine overdose include hyperventilation and rapid heart rate. The long-term effects of using crack are hallucinations, paranoia, anxiety, depression, restlessness, and mood swings.
Both cocaine and crack are highly addictive. This makes it easy for users to develop cocaine or crack abuse problems. Trying to quit using these drugs can lead to severe withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms include extreme fatigue, intense cravings, suicidal thoughts, muscle pain, and agitation. Ohio addiction treatment programs help the drug addicts to go through the withdrawal process safely. This ensures they finish the treatment programs and recover successfully.
Treatment Options for Cocaine and Crack Addiction
Users of cocaine and crack ought to quit drugs as soon as possible to avoid severe consequences. Cocaine and crack addiction treatment work best through the programs provided in outpatient or inpatient rehab facilities. Health care professionals assist the individual living with an addiction to get through uncomfortable and painful withdrawal symptoms. This prepares them to begin therapy of the mind and body.
It is not easy to understand the difference between cocaine vs crack cocaine, or recover from crack and cocaine addiction. It may affect your psychological and physical wellbeing. However, with the help of a health professional, it will be easy to cope and achieve sobriety.
You need to find a treatment center that specializes in treating cocaine or crack addiction. This improves your chances of full recovery. Most inpatient rehabilitation centers for cocaine addiction provide group therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and support groups. Ohio substance abuse treatment programs provide medically-supervised detox services. The patients receive support for 24 hours during their early recovery.
An outpatient treatment program comes after the inpatient program. It allows the patients to continue with their daily activities as they undergo treatment.
Get Help for Crack and Cocaine Addiction
The difference between cocaine vs crack cocaine is that the latter has more intense effects. Both drugs are highly addictive. This makes it important for users to seek treatment early before the effects worsen. Reach out to a crack or cocaine addiction treatment center and begin your journey to staying clean and sober.